Install Portworx Backup on AWS Marketplace
This topic explains how you can install Portworx Backup on the Amazon Web Service (AWS) Marketplace in your AWS Cloud account. After installing, you can use the same AWS Cloud account to send metering data to AWS. Also, you can back up or restore Portworx Backup data and applications for any AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster.
For Portworx Backup version 2.3.3 to support backup and restore of file share storage, you must install Stork version 2.12.0.
To install Stork version 2.12.0 :
Download the Stork deployment spec:
copy to clipboardcurl -fsL -o stork-spec.yaml ""
In the
, change the Stork version to 2.12.0.Apply the
to install Stork version 2.12.0:copy to clipboardkubectl apply -f stork-spec.yaml
Configure IAM permissions with EKS cluster
You must create a IAMServiceAccount
for Portworx Backup and configure it with permissions for EKS cluster to send metering data to AWS:
Enable the
IAM OIDC Provider
for your EKS cluster. Replace the<region>
parameters to match your environment.copy to clipboardeksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --region=<region> --cluster=<clustername> --approve
Update the existing
or create a local service account for Portworx Backup, and link it to your EKS cluster. Change thenamespace
if you are not deploying the Portworx Backup instance, and replace the<clustername>
with your EKS cluster.copy to clipboardeksctl create iamserviceaccount --name px-backup-account --namespace px-backup --cluster <clustername> --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess \ --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSMarketplaceMeteringRegisterUsage --approve --override-existing-serviceaccounts
Add Stork environment variable to point to the AWS image repository
For each EKS application cluster that you add to Portworx Backup, you must include the MARKET_PLACE=aws
environment variable to specify that Stork version 2.12.0 be deployed on the application cluster to use the AWS registry:
value: aws
Stork uses this environment variable to pick the appropriate Kopia executor image from the AWS Marketplace repository.
Install Portworx Backup on AWS
You can install Portworx Backup on AWS Marketplace using the px-central
Helm chart:
Add the Portworx AWS Helm chart:
copy to clipboardhelm repo add aws-portworx
Install Portworx Backup using the Helm chart. Replace
with the Portworx Backup version you want to install. Refer to the Portworx Backup Helm chart reference for more information about the configurable parameters.copy to clipboardhelm install <release-name> aws-portworx/px-central --namespace px-backup --set persistentStorage.enabled=true,persistentStorage.storageClassName=gp2,pxbackup.enabled=true --create-namespace
Access Portworx Backup UI using load balancer endpoint
In addition to accessing Portworx Backup from the CLI, you can access it on a Web browser using the load balancer endpoint:
Get the load balancer endpoint for Portworx Backup using one of the following commands:
copy to clipboardkubectl get ingress --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} px-backup-ui -o jsonpath="{.status.load balancer.ingress[0].hostname}"`
copy to clipboardkubectl get ingress --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} px-backup-ui -o jsonpath="{.status.load balancer.ingress[0].ip}"`
Access Portworx Backup and Keycloak using the endpoint:
Uninstall Helm chart
Perform the following steps to uninstall px-central
Helm chart:
Uninstall the Helm chart:
copy to clipboardhelm delete px-central --namespace px-backup
Cleanup secrets and pvc created by px-backup:
copy to clipboardkubectl delete ns px-backup